Thursday, March 18, 2010


And now for something refreshing. Over the past few months I have made the acquaintance of Lee from Lee takes his beer and beer history a bit more serious than I do. Yours truly having fallen into the 'appreciation' phase of beer more than research of history. Anyways...... I am too preoccupied these days to write anything of much coherence..... but Lee has a good alternative..... and while most of the posting is about beer and this neck of the woods..... they are all good reads. His latest post has a bit of history about my favorite bar, Oblio's, a bar since 1874. He even managed to post a pic of me posing with his lovely wife. Go check it out and say hello.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Kid

My daughter leaves in a little more than 48 hours to study in Europe. It is a very unique program that will have her for two weeks each in some of the most stunning places in Europe; Rome, Paris, Berlin, Florence, London. She is also scheduling week sojourns to Edinburgh and Amsterdam.

She planned the Trip, paid for the Trip, researched the Trip...... in fact.... for twenty years now... she has BEEN THE TRIP!

I am very proud of the Kid. Just Saying.

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